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Hear Free Recorded Information On Hundreds Of Bible Subjects. 








    Bible Call is a Free Public Service Religious Information Library consisting of hundreds of five-minute recorded messages on a wide variety of Bible subjects.

The material was carefully researched and written by over one hundred prominent religious leaders from across the nation.

    The Bible Call Library makes it possible for anyone wishing to study the Bible to locate information on almost any important topic quickly and accurately.

    Since Bible Call is now completely automated, it is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.  Just call the number listed above from any Touch-Tone phone and follow the instructions given.

    Select the subjects you would like to hear from the list below and request each topic by its number. 



110    Overcoming Worry 
111    Loneliness And What To Do About It 
112    God's Answer For Guilt 
114    Temptations And How To Face Them 
115    Overcoming Depression 
118    Drugs In Your Life 
119    What About Smoking? 
120    Courage To Overcome Trouble 
121    Facing The Storms Of Life 
122    How To Help Yourself Become Better 
123    The Devil Made Me Do It 
124    Take A Look At Your Honesty 
125    Depressed?  Life Can Be Meaningful 
126    The Secret Of Contentment 
127    Choosing Christian Recreation 
128    Grudges 
129    Pressure 
130    Getting The Best Out Of Ourselves


201    Why Does God Allow Trouble? 
202    How To Help Those Who Are Suffering 
203    Facing An Operation 
204    Living With Illness 
205    Strength Through Sorrow 
206    The Danger Of Rash Decisions 
207    Money Can't Buy Happiness 
208    Things That Bring Happiness 
209    Death - Part 1 
210    Death - Part 2 
211    Revenge Is Not So Sweet 
212    Christians Under Persecution 
213    The Blessing Of Not Knowing 
214    Accepting The Death Of A Loved One 
215    Facing Persecution 
216    The Power Of Satan In Your Life 
217    Racial Prejudice 
218    The Consequence of Sin 
219    Death Of An Infant 
220    How Does A Christian Handle A Cancer Operation? 
221    When Silence Is Sinful 
223    Discouragement 
224    Guilt 
225    Worry 
226    Are You Thinking About Suicide? 
227    Some Sober Reflections On Death 
228    Joy Of Living


301    What Must I Do To Be Saved? 
302    Examples Of Conversion 
303    Grace 
304    Are We Saved By Faith Only? 
305    Faith And Works 
306    Repentance 
307    Confession Of Faith in Christ 
308    What Is Baptism? 
309    Why Be Baptized? 
310    Who Should Be Baptized? 
311    What If I Have Been Baptized Unscripturally? 
312    How Do You Know You Have Been Saved? 
313    Is Obedience Necessary? 
314    That's Just Your Interpretation 
315    Is Everyone Entitled To His Own Belief? 
316    Is Sincerity Enough? 
317    What About The Thief On The Cross? 
318    Is Conscience A Safe Guide? 
319    For What Should An Alien Sinner Pray? 
320    Almost Persuaded To Be A Christian 
321    The Holy Spirit - Part 1 
322    The Holy Spirit - Part 2 
323    Why Be A Christian? 
324    The Crucifixion 
325    How Can Man Be Justified With God? 
326    A Way That Is Right And Cannot Be Wrong 
327    Is Church Membership Essential? 
328    Why Jesus Came 
329    Do People Really See Visions Today? 
330    The New Birth 
331    Repent or Perish 
332    God Is Calling You 
333    Does It Matter What We Believe As Long As We Are Honest? 
334    Should I Have My Baby Baptized? 
335    The Holy Spirit In Conversion 
336    The Truth Shall Make You Free 
337    Born-Again Christians 
338    Original (Inherited) Sin 
339    Who Is This Man Jesus? 

401    Key Words In Producing A Happy Home 
402    Don't Take Your Wife For Granted 
403    Love 
404    Sex In Marriage 
405    Divorce:  Is It Really The Answer? 
406    Eight Causes Of Divorce 
407    Divorce And Remarriage 
408    God's Unchanging Law On Marriage And Divorce 
409    Help For A Troubled Marriage 
410    Birth Control 
411    Juvenile Delinquency - Part 1 
412    Juvenile Delinquency - Part 2 
413    Juvenile Delinquency - Part 3 
414    Discipline - Alternative To Tragedy 
415    Effective Discipline - Part 1 
416    Effective Discipline - Part 2 
417    The Home:  Responsibilities Of Husbands 
418    The Home:  Responsibilities Of Wives 
419    The Home:  The Responsibilities of Parents 
420    The Home:  Responsibilities of Children 
421    Battered Wives 
422    Divorced Women's Work In The Church 
423    Strengthening Your Marriage 
427    Authority In The Home 
428    Motherhood 
429    The Disobedient Child 
430    Responsibility To Our Parents 
432    When To Let Your Children Go 
434    Teenage Dating:  For Parents 
435    The Home - Its Relationships 
436    Keys To Understanding Our Children 
438    Solving Family Problems 
439    Training Your Child In The Bible 
440    Teaching My Child To Work 
441    How To Show Your Children You Love Them 
442    The Godly Woman 
443    God's Law Of Marriage 
444    God's Law of Divorce 
445    Twelve Commandments For Husbands 

501    Inspiration Of The Bible 
502    Authority In Religion 
503    Is The Bible God's Only Inspired Revelation? 
504    How To Study The Bible 
505    Can You Really Prove "Anything" By The Bible? 
506    The Ten Commandments - Part 1 
507    The Ten Commandments - Part 2 
508    The Bible 
509    The Book That Survived Stands Alone 
511    Truth 
512    Purposes Of The Old And New Testaments 
513    Is Doctrine Important? 
514    History As Seen Through The Bible 
515    Can Ordinary People Understand The Bible? 
516    All Sufficiency Of The Bible 
517    What Is Truth 
518    Importance Of Right Doctrine 
519    The Bible And Claims Of Later Revelation 
520    How To Understand The Bible 
521    Is There A Pattern? 
522    Do We Really Have The Bible Today? 
523    Did The Bible Come From God Or From Man? 
524    The Old Testament 

550    Ten Practical Suggestions on Prayer 
551    Acceptable Prayer 
552    The Sabbath Or The Lord's Day - Which? 
553    The Importance Of Preaching 
554    The Lord's Supper 
555    Should The Lord's Supper Be Observed Every Sunday? 
556    Instrumental Music In Worship 
557    Acceptable Giving 
558    Will A Man Rob God? 
559    The Proper Form of Prayer 
560    Whose Prayer Will God Hear? 

601    When & Where Did The New Testament Church Begin 
602    Why Are There So Many Different Churches? 
603    Choosing A Church 
604    Becoming A Member Of The New Testament Church 
605    Church Organization 
606    Qualifications Of Elders And Deacons 
607    The Church:  Is Attendance Essential? 
608    Hypocrites In The Church 
609    Unity Or A Return To the Original Church? 
610    Which Is The Right Church? 
611    How Is The Church Identified? 
614    Creeds - A Source Of Disunity 
615    The Government Of The New Testament Church 
616    What Does The Bible Say About The Clergy & Laity? 
618    Christ - Yes!  The Church - No! 
619    The Church In Prophecy 
620    The Church In Fulfillment 
621    History Of The New Testament Church 
622    The New Testament Church Restored 
623    The Church:  Terms Of Entrance 
624    How Many Churches Did Jesus Build? 
625    God's Appointed Saints 
627    Importance of Religious Unity 
628    Attainment of Religious Unity 

651    When Jesus Comes Again 
652    The Rapture 
653    The End Of The World 
654    The Final Resurrection 
655    The Judgment Day 
656    What It Means To Be Lost 
657    What Is Hell Like? 
658    Heaven 

701    God Or Matter - Which? 
702    Evolution And The Bible 
703    Theistic Evolution 
704    Evolution - What Do The Fossils Say? 
705    A List Of Books & Articles On Evolution & The Bible 
706    Scientific Accuracy Of The Bible 
707    Scientific Humanism - Part 1 
708    Scientific Humanism - Part 2 

750    The Tragedy Of Disbelieving 
751    Was Christ Actually Raised From The Dead? 
752    Jesus In History 
753    The Testimony Of The Early Martyrs 
754    Does God Really Exist? 
755    Evidence Of God:  Fulfilled Prophecy 
756    Evidence Of God:  Scientific Foreknowledge 
757    Evidence Of God:  Design And Order 
759    Effects Of The Bible 
761    Christ In Prophecy 
763    Archaeology:  Recent Old Testament Discoveries 
764    Why Christianity In Preference To Other Religions? 

801    Making The Most Of Your Life 
802    Early Marriage - Part 1 
803    Early Marriage - Part 2 
804    What About Marijuana? 
805    When Young People Leave Home 
806    Facing The Problems On A College Campus 
807    Cheating In School 
809    You Can Go Home - Part 1 
810    You Can Go Home - Part 2 
811    Going Steady 
813    Planning For Marriage 

851    The Beautiful Queen of Persia 
853    The Making Of A Leader 
854    Asking About The Lord's Supper 
855    Do What You Can Do Now 
856    Remember Thy Creator? Part 1 
857    When To Remember Thy Creator Part 2 
858    Why Remember Thy Creator? Part 3 
859    What It Means To Remember Thy Creator Part 4 
860    Young Daniel 
861    What Daniel Could Have Done 
862    The Correct Choice of Associates 
863    How To Tell When You Have Grown Up 
864    The Church You Can Understand 

901    Sex Before Marriage 
902    Situation Ethics:  Does Love Make Our Wrongs Right? 
903    Are You Thinking Of Having An Affair? 
904    The Sin Of Adultery 
905    Living Together 
906    Homosexuality 
907    Abortion - Part 1 
908    Abortion - Part 2 
909    What Is Wrong With Gambling? 
910    Stealing - Lying - Cheating 
911    Is It Right To Dance? 
912    Cursing:  Profanity 
913    Pornography 

950    Exorcism And Demon Possession 
955    The Purpose Of Miracles 
956    The Duration Of Miracles 
957    Who Could Work Miracles? 
958    What Does The Bible Say About Capital Punishment? 
959    Snake Handling 
960    Jonah And The Whale 
961    Sanctification 
965    Life After Death 
966    Early Christian Persecution 
967    Miracles - A Definition 
968    Bible's Promise Of Heaven 
969    Fasting And The Christian 
970    What Is Satan Really Like?

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1330 Mars Hill Road

Florence, AL 35630


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